Wiley Library Policies
Students are scheduled for a weekly 30 minute library period with their class for instruction
and a separate 10-15 minute visit to check out library books.
Students may also check out materials during open checkout times with a pass from their teacher.
Students in grades 2-5 may check out two books per week,
but they can visit the library to exchange books several times during the week with their teacher's permission.
Any additional books assigned by their classroom teacher are not counted toward the limit.
Kindergarten and First Grade students may check out one book per week starting later in the year.
Baskets of books are often checked out to their teachers for use in the classroom
Books are due in one week, and can be renewed twice.
Our library does not charge a fine for overdue books, but if a book is lost or damaged beyond repair, there is a fee for replacing the item. Students are expected to become respectful and responsible citizens,
and learning to use library materials responsibly is part of that process. Please help your child enjoy and care for their library books.
The Wiley library is a place of reading and quiet study, a place of browsing and “shopping” for books, and also a place of instruction.
Students will follow expectations and preserve the library atmosphere, by following library routines and making good choices.
Routines and behavior expectations will be taught and revisited frequently.
The library uses the schoolwide expectations of Be safe, Be respectful, Be responsible and Khfooty,
but includes Be Kind and Be Quiet. Expectations are taught during the first 20 days of school, and reinforced frequently.
Individual Rewards:
Up to 3 students per class may get a PBIS sticker for exceptionally good behavior.
Students may also receive a positive postcard called a Library Star (these are very rare).
Class Rewards:
Each class has a chance to achieve points per class period. This is tracked using Class Dojo.
When a class reaches 15 points (30, 45, 60), they have a library party (games, puzzles, building toys and drawing) during their library time
If a student is not following expectations:
They will be warned up to 3 times.
They may move to a reset area or have their assigned seat changed
They may have a phone call/email/library expectations notice/Dojo message home to alert families to difficulties in the Library.
In extreme situations an ODR may be written and families notified
Students will not lose checkout privileges for behavior issues
If the majority of the class is not following expectations:
They will be warned up to 3 times.
They may lose points towards the class reward.
Their class privileges may be temporarily revoked (choice seating, chromebook use, art supplies, bonus checkouts)
They may have a group reset with heads down on tables.
Reset Area/Calming Corner:
The Reset Area/Calming Corner is located right near the book return at the desk.
There is a tub of calming materials there.
If this location is for some reason unsuitable students will be seated somewhere in the instructional area of the library.